Obesity is still a concern that poses health risks to both men and women, and if this problem goes unaddressed, it will likely progress and become even harder to solve than before. But before we can address this issue, it’s important to take the time to understand it, which is what Public Health Prime Minister Anna Soubry has vowed to do.
She stated that “not everybody who is overweight comes from deprived backgrounds, but that’s where the propensity lies.” In other words, she seems to be that obesity is linked to poverty. We need to take a closer look at this problem, and we need to find more avenues that can help solve the problem.


The first step in understanding how nicotinamide riboside
helps this problem involves looking at the obesity statistics, which indicate that 30% of women and 25% of men in low-income households are currently classified as being obese. How do these numbers compare to those in high-income households? Well, only 22% of women and 19% of men who make above average wages are classified as obese. The numbers on both sides clearly show that income could be related to the problem, but it’s important to consider that there could be other factors involved, such as diet and nutrition. Perhaps those who have fewer resources to buy Garcinia Cambodia and other supplements are more at risk.

Food Choices

An individual’s income can have a direct impact on their food choices. Why is this? Well, the quantity of clean, organic food is decreasing, but the price is going up. Unhealthy and processed foods are much cheaper than their healthier counterparts.

Therefore, those who live in low-income households might not be able to afford to eat healthy food, and this could be the link that connects income levels with obesity. Additionally, both parents in low-income families are often required to work, which leaves little time for cooking. Children are often fed microwavable dinners as a result.

The Solution

Solving this problem will be a difficult and challenging task, and it’s important to take the time to consider which options are the most viable. The obvious solution would be to increase the availability of healthy food choices to people who live below the poverty line, but this alone would not likely be enough. Even if organic food were made available, many low-income families are likely to continue their bad eating habits.

We would also need to increase awareness of the health risks associated with eating processed foods, as well as encourage people to implement a workout routine. These steps might be hard to promote, but they could encourage low-income families to take the first steps toward their weight loss goals. No matter how difficult or challenging, each person must do their part to address and help solve the obesity problem.

Final Thoughts

There is no denying the link between obesity and poverty. Addressing these issues requires us to help make healthy food options more easily accessible to those who would otherwise be unable to afford it. But it’s also important to promote and encourage implementation of healthy workout routines. This could be a difficult task, but it could also go a long way in helping those who live below the poverty line to enhance their fitness and lose weight.